Healthy Is The New Skinny

This blog piece ladies, is a good news bulletin one! Just as curvy has become the new black, ‘Healthy Is The New Skinny’ according to the founder of this project, Katie Halshishick. As you can all imagine I was honored when asked to be a model ambassador for the Healthy is the new skinny programme which is established in the U.S. Their project works actively with a team of experts to promote health and well being regardless of shape or size!Happy days! Their concept of beauty certainly has not gone unnoticed in the international arena either with attention drawn ,most recently, by ABC news and O magazine.

So what exactly is it all about? Katie (both model and co-founder) denotes that : “This is not about a size. It’s about a movement.Healthy is the New Skinny is about revolutionizing how we think about, talk about, live in and love our bodies. It’s about putting happiness and vibrant good health first and foremost. Generations of young women have assessed their own worth by how far they are from the ideal of unrealistic thinness. Healthy is the New Skinny believes in natural beauty, the kind that can’t be defined by a hip measurement, but is defined by fitness and fun.” To view my model ambassador interview click here: To get more information on this topic follow the link here (Photography: Anna Fowler ; Model : Me! 🙂 )

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